Think Like a Monk | Jay Shetty | Cliff Note Books

Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day” is a self-help book written by Jay Shetty, a former monk turned motivational speaker and life coach. The book aims to teach readers how to achieve inner peace, happiness, and purpose by adopting the mindset and practices of monks. Shetty draws upon his experiences and the ancient wisdom of Vedic philosophy to provide practical advice and techniques for personal growth and self-improvement.

The book is divided into three main parts: Let Go, Grow, and Give.

Let Go: This section focuses on the importance of detaching from external distractions, societal pressures, and negative influences that can hinder personal growth. Shetty discusses the need to let go of ego, fear, and expectations to achieve a more peaceful and focused state of mind.
Key chapters in this section include:

Identifying and overcoming negativity
Understanding the concept of detachment
Managing fear and anxiety
Embracing humility and overcoming ego
Grow: In this section, Shetty explains how to cultivate positive habits and thought patterns that promote personal growth and well-being. He shares practical exercises and techniques derived from Vedic philosophy and his experiences as a monk to help readers develop mindfulness, self-awareness, and resilience.
Key chapters in this section include:

Developing a daily meditation practice
Practicing gratitude and cultivating a positive mindset
Building self-discipline and overcoming procrastination
Nurturing healthy relationships
Give: The final section of the book focuses on the importance of giving back and living a life of purpose. Shetty emphasizes the value of compassion, empathy, and service in creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Key chapters in this section include:

Embracing the power of service and giving back
Living with purpose and intention
Nurturing empathy and compassion
Cultivating a strong sense of community and connection
Throughout the book, Shetty shares personal stories, insights, and lessons learned during his time as a monk. He also provides actionable advice and exercises that readers can incorporate into their daily lives to achieve greater peace, happiness, and purpose. “Think Like a Monk” serves as a guide to help readers develop a more mindful, focused, and compassionate approach to life.


“When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.”
“The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”
“We are all a work in progress.”
“The most powerful prison is one when you don’t even know you’re locked up.”
“Your identity should be made up of values that you choose.”
“What we fear most is often what we most need to confront.”
“The more we detach ourselves from the voice in our heads, the more we come to realize our true selves.”
“Meditation is like a gym for your mind.”
“Your purpose is your ‘why,’ your passion is your ‘how.'”
“Gratitude is a creative force. When you are grateful, you attract more to be grateful for.”


Jay Shetty is a British-Indian motivational speaker, storyteller, content creator, and former monk. Born on September 6, 1987, in London, England, he grew up in a family of Indian immigrants and was educated at the Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet. Shetty later attended Cass Business School in London, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management Science.

During his time at university, Jay became increasingly interested in spirituality and personal growth, which led him to travel to India and spend time living as a Vedic monk. For three years, Shetty lived in an ashram, where he learned meditation, mindfulness, and ancient wisdom under the guidance of his guru. After leaving the ashram, he felt a calling to share his experiences and the wisdom he gained with the world.

In 2015, Shetty started creating and sharing inspirational content through social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube. His videos quickly gained popularity, and he became known for his ability to convey complex ideas in a relatable and engaging manner. As his online presence grew, Shetty began working with prominent organizations, including the Huffington Post, National Geographic, and the BBC, as a content creator and motivational speaker.

Today, Jay Shetty is a renowned public figure with millions of followers on social media. He has been recognized for his work as a content creator, receiving awards such as the Streamy Award for Best Health and Wellness Creator in 2018. He has also been featured on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list.

In 2020, Shetty published his first book, “Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day,” which quickly became a bestseller. In addition to his work as an author and content creator, Shetty also hosts the popular podcast “On Purpose with Jay Shetty,” where he interviews influential figures and shares insights on personal growth, relationships, and well-being.


While “Think Like a Monk” by Jay Shetty has received positive reviews and resonated with many readers, some criticisms have been raised:

Repetition of familiar concepts: Some critics argue that the book does not offer entirely new or groundbreaking ideas. They claim that the concepts and practices presented in the book are similar to those found in other self-help and personal growth literature.

Simplification of complex ideas: Critics have pointed out that the book sometimes simplifies complex ideas from Vedic philosophy and monk life. While this can make the concepts more accessible, it may not provide a deep or comprehensive understanding of the subjects.

Lack of depth and practical guidance: Some readers have expressed disappointment in the level of depth and detail provided in the book. They feel that the book does not offer enough practical guidance and actionable steps for implementing the concepts and techniques discussed.

Anecdotal evidence: Critics have noted that Shetty relies heavily on personal anecdotes and experiences to support his ideas. While these stories can be engaging, they may not provide sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of the techniques and practices presented.

Overemphasis on material success: Some critics argue that the book, despite promoting a monk-like mindset, places too much emphasis on achieving material success and personal branding. They claim that this focus may detract from the book’s spiritual and self-improvement messages.

It’s important to note that reader experiences vary, and some individuals may find more value in the book than others. Despite the criticisms, “Think Like a Monk” has resonated with many readers and has become a bestseller.


Part 1: Let Go

Chapter 1: Identity
In this chapter, Jay Shetty explains how our identities are shaped by external factors and the expectations of society. He encourages readers to let go of these superficial identities and discover their true selves through self-reflection, meditation, and introspection.

Chapter 2: Negativity
Shetty discusses the impact of negative thoughts and emotions on our well-being. He suggests that we can learn to let go of negativity by acknowledging its presence, understanding its roots, and developing strategies to prevent and overcome it.

Chapter 3: Fear
This chapter explores the role of fear in our lives and how it can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Shetty provides tools for confronting and managing fear, such as developing self-awareness, cultivating courage, and finding purpose in our actions.

Chapter 4: Intention
Shetty emphasizes the importance of having a clear and strong intention behind our actions. He argues that by letting go of superficial motivations and aligning our actions with our values and purpose, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

Chapter 5: Detachment
In this chapter, Shetty discusses the concept of detachment, explaining how our attachment to material possessions, relationships, and outcomes can create suffering. He offers strategies for cultivating detachment, such as practicing gratitude, focusing on the process rather than the outcome, and finding inner contentment.

Part 2: Grow

Chapter 6: Meditation
In this chapter, Jay Shetty explains the importance of meditation and its benefits for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. He provides practical guidance on different meditation techniques and offers tips on how to incorporate meditation into daily life.

Chapter 7: Routine
Shetty highlights the significance of establishing a daily routine that supports personal growth and well-being. He shares insights from his time as a monk and suggests creating routines that include exercise, mindfulness practices, and self-reflection.

Chapter 8: Purpose
This chapter focuses on the importance of finding and living one’s purpose. Shetty shares the idea that true purpose is often found in serving others and contributing to the greater good. He offers advice on how to discover one’s purpose and align daily actions with that purpose.

Chapter 9: Ego
Shetty discusses the role of the ego in our lives and how it can hinder personal growth. He shares strategies for recognizing and managing ego-driven thoughts and behaviors, such as practicing humility, embracing vulnerability, and cultivating self-awareness.

Chapter 10: Gratitude
In this chapter, Shetty emphasizes the power of gratitude in fostering a positive mindset and promoting personal growth. He suggests practical ways to practice gratitude daily, such as maintaining a gratitude journal, expressing appreciation to others, and reflecting on positive experiences.

Part 3: Give

Chapter 11: Relationships
In this chapter, Jay Shetty explores the importance of cultivating healthy relationships and the role they play in our overall well-being. He provides guidance on how to nurture relationships by practicing empathy, effective communication, and setting boundaries. Shetty also discusses the significance of letting go of toxic relationships and focusing on connections that support personal growth.

Chapter 12: Service
Shetty emphasizes the value of selfless service and its transformative impact on our lives. He argues that by serving others and contributing to the greater good, we can find a sense of purpose and fulfillment. He shares examples of acts of service and how they can be incorporated into daily life.

Chapter 13: Forgiveness
This chapter delves into the power of forgiveness and its role in healing emotional wounds and fostering personal growth. Shetty provides insights into the process of forgiveness, including recognizing the pain, empathizing with others, and letting go of resentment. He also offers guidance on how to forgive ourselves for past mistakes.

Chapter 14: Spotting Ego
Shetty discusses the importance of recognizing ego-driven behaviors in others and ourselves. He provides strategies for spotting ego and managing its impact on our relationships and personal growth, such as embracing humility, practicing self-awareness, and seeking constructive feedback.

Chapter 15: Compassion
In this final chapter, Shetty emphasizes the importance of cultivating compassion for ourselves and others. He shares practical tips for developing compassion, such as practicing empathy, understanding the struggles of others, and engaging in acts of kindness.